Horror Stories Coming! Art Showcases Coming. Oh my.

Horror Stories Coming! Art Showcases Coming. Oh my.

Hey everyone. We're working on figuring out ways to grow our brand and bring more people interesting content. We hope to look back on these posts a year from now and stay vigilant remembering our roots. We want to become the first stop for people looking for spooky products, stories, creepy vacation destinations and more. 

We're gonna start posting a series of horror stories, brought to you by our very own GothBot. Join us in our journey and let us know what you want to see here. Follow us on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, or Pinterest. We'll be having polls about what people want and which products we should create moving forward.

There will be art showcases, and not just our own! Prepare to see drawings, music, paintings, and creations by lesser known artists who haven't been discovered by big producers yet. We celebrate everybody's weirdness!

Have a great week and remember, you're perfect, and special, and unique... Embrace your strange.Good night, and good luck.

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1 commentaire

Nice changes to the site, good sir. I’m looking forward to seeing the spooky destinations you decide to post. Oh, how about the Amityville Horror house, is that still around? There’s also haunted woods back east, saw one utube of a place (I want to say west virginia maybe, not sure) purported to be demon-infested where people have reported seeing black shaodowy shapes moving about and some have been driven mad. Anyway, kudos on the site upgrades. Glock!


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